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Q&A: Find Out More About This AIP That Aims To Inform The Web3 About $Ape

Updated: May 9, 2023

The ApeCoin DAO is voting on an Ape Improvement Proposal this week that aims to inform the broader web3 space about $Ape via Twitter Spaces!

AIP-233 titled “A.C.T. on Twitter Spaces – 60 Day trial” is an ecosystem allocation fund proposal written by ApeCoin DAO Contributor CEOofWeb3.0.

In his proposal, CEOofWeb3.0 wrote that he believes that there is a lot of misinformation and confusion around the ApeCoin DAO in the Web3 space at large and that the best way to address this confusion is by talking with Web3 participants via Twitter Spaces.

“This proposal aims to present the ApeCoin DAO brand and weekly AIP updates on well-respected 3rd party Twitter Spaces to reach new audiences,” CEOofWeb3.0 wrote. “This proposal aims to leverage Twitter Spaces as a resource to raise awareness about the ApeCoin ecosystem. By educating new users about the ApeCoin DAO through regular Web 3.0 focused Twitter Spaces, we encourage community engagement and aim to onboard thousands of potential new members.”

In total, CEOofWeb3.0 is asking the ApeCoin DAO to allocate up to 15,000 $Ape to fund a 60-day Twitter Space trial run where the ApeCoin DAO will provide 60 Twitter Space appearances/ updates to the broader Web3 community. The $Ape allocated to this proposal will be used for giveaways, scholarships, and partnerships, according to AIP-233.

To find out more about this proposal and its author, the Bored Ape Gazette reached out to CEOofWeb3.0 for an interview. Check out the full conversation below:

Tell me about yourself. How’d you get into Web3 and the ApeCoin DAO?

“I've always had a passion for Technology, ever since I was a child. That passion allowed me to start tinkering with computer hardware and software from the age of 10 years old. I've broken so much tech just trying to understand how it works and not being able to put it back together. In 2-3 years of this I developed a pretty comprehensive understanding of consumer and enterprise grade hardware. Then I heard of something called bitcoin and the concept of digital money. It seemed interesting but it didn't convert me. Sometime after, just a couple of months before the 2016 bull run. I got back in and started mining BTC on my laptop and that's what started it all. I couldn't do a lot because I was barely a teen After the C19 lockdown, I got back with a motivation to learn something and spent most of my time in understanding consensus mechanisms Then I got bored and got into NFTs, Got bored there and landed here. I'm loving it here.”

In a sentence or two can you sum up what you hope to accomplish with this AIP?

“We aim to approach reputed 3rd Party KOL (key opinion leader) spaces and get the DAO's word across with the aim of attracting outside Talent (from the developer, builder, founders etc side of things) and funneling them through the existing structures and systems we have put in place (like ThankAPE)”

Can you give me a lists of Twitter spaces you’d like to get the ApeCoin DAO on? Why did you pick these spaces?

“I'll Get back to you on the list, we have 2-3 spaces in mind which we think will be a content fit.”

Why should the ApeCoin DAO allocate up to 15,000 $Ape to this? What will the money be used for? Is the DAO paying a member to speak on the space or are we paying the space to have the DAO on?

“15K ape is the maximum sanctioned amount, if we can only spend a small part of it then the remaining funds will go back to the Treasury. Please note that the only time these funds will leave the treasury is when they are given to the creators on a scholarship basis. The author never takes custody of these funds, they go directly from the foundation to the creators. As stated before, this money will be going to creators who are a content market fit. We aren't paying anyone to speak on the spaces, anyone from the DAO can hop on board. We're paying them for appearances. That too where we take an active part in the conversations and not just the hosts reading updates.”

Can you explain the dNFTs? What are these and how will they work if this AIP is passed?

“"dNFTs are Dynamic in nature meaning that depending upon some set criteria, it can evolve and symbolize the growth of an individual within the DAO wrt contributions. It can evolve and symbolize the progression of an Individual within the DAO and the space in general. We'll combine onchain and offchain data to get a better picture of a persons contribution and let them "Level Up", in a way gamifying contribution tracking. This lets us paint a more accurate picture I'm working on the smart contract for that as of now, I'll deploy it on the goerli testnet. I don't think we'll need to deploy it on the Mainnet (gas be crayyyyyyzy lmao) We'll use these to track user participation and try to quantize contributions. It'll track the user's journey throughout the DAO.

What does success look like for this proposal?

“Success for this proposal looks like the tons and tons of data we can collect on the backend to perfect our approach going forward, whether it be performance metrics of the space itself, the people who we onboard and how they evolve as a contributor over time. This way we can learn a lot about our target audience and then optimize our strategies to get the ultimate intellectual yield. All of this data can be used to determine what works and what doesn’t. Allowing us to adapt our strategies accordingly.

Do you have anything else you’d like to add or say?

“I'm building the tech stack to power this (Calendar which syncs with your device, Onchain KPI metrics using Dynamic NFTs , Tracking the txns related to treasury using a bot and much more) , check out the AIP roundup #24 twitter space over @ApeComms for more info. We are not taking any form of compensation for this effort. Neither for the Tech side of things or for appearances (open to all without any restrictions) I highly recommend going through ApeComms AIP Roundup #24. We addressed a lot of questions and had discussions with a lot of members over there. See you on the Otherside.”

The window to vote on AIP-233 is currently open and $Ape holders have until 9 p.m. EST tomorrow to cast their coins on this proposal.

The Bored Ape Gazette is working to bring you continued coverage of AIP-233. Stay tuned for updates!

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